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The Fashionable Sewist


Let's start by saying that we love fashion: Its swag, its invention and reinvention keep it endlessly fascinating and appealing.

Through the course of our pre Make Me Tonight careers we have had backstage access to the fashion world's inner workings - the teams of designers, cutters and artists who make the magic happen. But beyond all of the pizazz, fashion is at its heart the making and sewing of garments. So why shouldn't sewing (and sewing patterns) be exciting, tell a fashion story, sit in the contemporary design space and not just the craft space?

What's thrilling about this precise moment in time is that it can.A rise in interest of me-made, non-throwaway, cost per wear and sustainability has put "sew your own" in the midst of the conversation.

Make Me Tonight is about rethinking the potential of sewing projects as one-off makes and building a capsule of contemporary, me-made patterns and pieces that tell their own fashion story. They don't conform to industry size limits, aren't constricted by seasonal colour palettes, embrace the use of recycled and dead stock fabric, encourage the personalisation of each make and above all connect the wearer to the garment through the act of personally making a piece.

You bet it feels liberating!

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